Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Mexican Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Journey - Still Excited!!!

My journey began ages ago, I was slightly overweight as a teen, then put on weight with my pregnancies. I found some success about ten years ago with weight watchers, losing over thirty pounds...then gained it all back plus another 25! UGH! I considered surgery a few times, but knew people who had done bypass and almost died from the nutrient deficiencies. I knew people who had done Lap Band and cheated all the time, I know me, I would totally cheat if given the opportunity. I'm unhappy being overweight but not desolate, and love food! Then I went through my online weight log for MyFitnessPal for the past three January's. 2012 I weighed 225, 2013 I weighed 224, and this January I weighed 228! I had lost and gained back ~25 pounds multiple times since 2011, never being quite able to hit that 199 mark that I somehow surpassed unknowingly in the last five years. With recent health issues hitting close to me in both friends and family, and a close friend having an amazing sleeve success story, I made a decision and moved quickly (hah....20 years was a quick move for me).

I have heard that some people say surgery is cheating, but for me, not having surgery was cheating me out of a healthy life!

I made my decision, calculated my funds, received help from my family, and scheduled my surgery in Mexico with Dr Almanza!

I took my friend with me, we flew to San Diego on a Sunday, stayed in a hotel and shuttled back to the airport in the morning. A van picked the two of us, and six others, up a bit after 9 am. We went straight to the clinic, which I already knew was in a strip mall. It was also clean and the staff were friendly. We chatted nervously amongst the group, but having a successful sleever with me was great for everyone to ask questions!

We were one by one checked in and taken upstairs for an EKG and blood draw, Lupita is hands down amazing! I am a phlebotomist's nightmare, but she got my blood draw on the first time and later the IV on the first try! Made me feel encouraged!

Then I waited, I needed antibiotics in my IV, I knew I wasn't feeling great before I left home but wasn't sure what it was. The staff didn't tell us much, but would call us back one by one as it was our turn, I did notice that all of us who had antibiotics in our IV went last. I was the second to the last surgery for the day.

They called me, helped me get my IV off the pole and we walked to the surgery room, I stepped up on a stool and laid down on the table. The anesthesiologist asked me a few questions, my name, was I taking specific medications, then the surgery assistant gently took my arms and wrapped them with an ace bandage to the table. The next thing I remember is walking up the stairs and giving my friend a hug, she was headed back to the hotel and I was headed into a recovery room.

The recovery rooms have two beds and there are four in each of the two clinics in the mall. Some folks who had earlier surgeries were moved to the other building, but the last four surgeries of the day stayed in the same building.

That night was not fun, but it was less painful than other surgeries I have had. I was not able to burp to alleviate the gas, so ended up doing more dry heaving than I would have liked. Surprisingly it didn't hurt....but I had IV fluids so of course I had to pee, so when I heaved I had to pee.

A cold rag and multiple trips to the bathroom later, it was morning and the staff gave us the best otter pop I have ever eaten! We were all gathered and shuttled to the beautiful Hotel Ticuan.

Now, here is where my story and my friends story differ, she paid full price, I paid about $1000 less, so let's keep that in mind.

Since I had gone straight from the airport to the surgery center I had not checked in, so that was required when I arrived at the hotel. However, they were nice enough to come to my room and didn't make me go to the desk, they also brought up a Popsicle when I asked for it. When the nurse checked on me, he said that I would be shuttled back to the clinic in a few hours for my IV, or...I could pay $30 and they would give me my IV in my room. I opted for the $30 as I just wanted to sleep since I hadn't done much of that the night before. I had maybe three Popsicles that day and my IV with pain, anti nausea, and antibiotic. Slept like a baby, took a shower, and asked the nurse to come change my bandage as I forgot to bring my gauze supply and wound wash.

The next morning I felt ok, but had to drink the purple stuff and get my leak test done. Got to the neighborhood clinic for the X-ray and waited, stepped up onto the machine when it was my turn, drank the nasty clear liquid as directed, then got to see my new stomach! Felt like I wanted to throw up when done, but couldn't. This was my worst day, went back to the hotel and slept, had no energy, drinking even one sip of water made me throw up later. My friend was in the hall and someone mentioned I needed to call the nurse to get a shot of anti nausea medicine. So, we did, within 10 minutes I was up, walking, feeling great, and able to consume broth, Popsicles, and a bit of jello. We then headed out and wandered Tijuana shopping for about two hours. I still had my IV port in so they administered the medicine there. I had another shot of the pain and anti nausea meds before bed and slept great.

In came the drug rep, trying to sell B12 shots for $45, Prilosec for $20 (regret not getting these), and a medical fast pass for $20/person. They also offered Vicodin at 2/$10, I had brought my own from a recent neck injury, but never felt in enough pain to use them.

Took another shower in the morning and asked the nurse to change my bandage. He did, gave me one last shot of pain and anti nausea and we headed down to the shuttle back to the states.

We ended up leaving TJ about 10:30 arriving at the San Diego airport about 11:20, border traffic seemed excessively light. Our flight didn't depart until 2:45 so had a bit of an airport wait. Pain meds worked until about 4pm, then I asked the flight attendant if she had any Tylenol. I had my pain meds from the clinic, but wasn't sure if they would make me nauseous and I didn't have any anti nausea meds with me. I took the two non aspirin pain reliever and felt better in about a half hour. Got up about three times to use the restroom and walk on our 2.5 hour flight home.

Arrived at the airport, drove the 1.5 hours home, took another shower, changed my bandages, and headed to bed. Missed the pillows from the hotel in Mexico...they were awesome!

It's now been four days since I arrived home, and 7 days since surgery. I have not had a moments regret, just continued excitement.

I have learned to set a timer on my phone and sip once every 5 minutes if needed, to read and re-read the directions, to go to the forums for advice, or text my friend. Heartburn has been my worst enemy, but not too bad, this morning it woke me up at four, but allowed me to write this!

Love to all my fellow Mexico, and elsewhere, sleevers; we are an awesome and amazing group who have completely committed to changing our lives without cheating!


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